CategoriesFood Recipe

How to cook Nigerian Oha Soup

Oha Soup (Oha Soup) Ingredients

A small bunch Oha leaves
A small bunch uziza leaves
800g Palm fruits (akwu)
500g Cocoyam
1.2kg Beef (ribs)
2 pieces dry fish
3 pieces stockfish
1-2 tablespoons ground crayfish
1-2 teaspoons ogiri Igbo
4 small seasoning cubes
Yellow habanero peppers or Ose Nsukka (to your taste)
Tools and utensils you’ll need
The following are the minimal tools you’ll need to prepare Oha Soup (Oha Soup):
Mortar and pestle for pounding the palm fruits and cocoyam. A sieve for processing the palm fruits.
Before you prepare Oha Soup (Oha Soup)
Soak the dry fish in water and set aside to soften. When soft, clean with a brush, debone and break into pieces.
Rinse and boil the palm fruits till you can rub the flesh off the nut with your fingers. Pound in a mortar till the flesh forms a smooth pulp.
Rinse the pounded palm fruits in water, sieve to separate the chaff from the concentrate and set the concentrate aside.
Boil the cocoyam till soft then peel and pound in a mortar till smooth.
Rinse and cut the oha leaves with your finger tips. Knife cuts turn the leaves dark.
Rinse and slice the uziza leaves.
Directions for making the Oha Soup (Oha Soup)
Clean the stockfish with water and a brush, rinse the meat, put these two in a pot, crush the seasoning cubes into the pot, pour water to just cover it and cook till done.
When the meat and stockfish are done, take out the stockfish, debone and break into pieces and set aside.
Slowly decant the palm fruit concentrate into the pot of meat taking care not the pour in the sediments at the bottom of the container.
Add the dry fish, crayfish, yellow habanero pepper and stockfish. Cover and continue cooking. When it boils, add the ogiri Igbo and the cocoyam paste in small scoops.
Cover and cook till the cocoyam dissolves. Stir the bottom of the pot often without disturbing the lumps of cocoyam.
When all the cocoyam has dissolved, add the oha leaves and uziz leaves. Stir and add salt if necessary and take it off the stove. Transfer to a cool contain immediately so the oha leaves will not overcook and turn dark.

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